The Memory Eater Four Story Sampler

The Memory Eater Four Story Sampler

In anticipation of The Memory Eater Anthology’s kickstarter launch, the Editor has prepared a four story sampler of the writing.  The sampler includes the following: SAMPLE STORIES Chess Match by Matthew Hance Just Like Starting Over by Vivian Davenport...
The Secret Empire by Paul Genesse

The Secret Empire by Paul Genesse

Paul Genesse, my first editor, and the gentleman who printed me for the first time, has an awesome new book out called The Secret Empire. It’s the third book in his Iron Dragon series, and you should seriously check it out. Not only is there a great story behind...
Magic Shop Illustration

Magic Shop Illustration

Nothing warms the heart more than when a fan (with skills in this case), takes your writing and tries to do something with it. In this case, one of my alpha readers, Joshua Bernhard, expressed his appreciation for the Magic Shop by doing a wonderful first...

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