If you’re a long-time Star Wars fan, and have kept up with this generation’s movies, you’re probably aware of the reported drama and disappointment around the brand over the last few years (a quick YouTube search will take you down a sad rabbit hole.) Some argue that a political agenda may be motivating the franchise’s recent decisions, and others simply feel like the recent Star Wars movies haven’t lived up to the brand’s heritage and mystique. My intent with this review isn’t to get into all that. That said, wherever your opinion lies, I think its safe to say that Star Wars fans just want good content. We know it’s universe is rich with possibilities, and we want to see them realized.
Enter The Mandalorian, a new space western Star Wars series available only on Disney’s new streaming service, Disney+.
The blurb from the series page reads as follows. “After the fall of the Empire, a lone gunfighter makes his way through the lawless galaxy.”
Mandalorians are known across the galaxy as trained assassins, bounty hunters, and the like, and our main character in this series is no different. Though, that’s not to say he is without heart–more on that later.
Chapter 1 opens as the Mandalorian comes on the windy, icy scene, referencing his tracking beacon, as he closes in on his target.
(light spoilers ahead)
He enters a space bar, and space bare things ensue. There’s a few patrons roughing someone up, and that someone happens to be the Mandalorian’s bounty (target for capture). A fight breaks out, and our main character is toting his bounty across the galaxy.
Upon delivering his cargo to his customer at another cantina, the Mandalorian begins inquiring about additional bounties. It quickly becomes clear that the next job is much more nefarious: off the record, untracked, and underground. There is no bounty puck to identify his target, and very little information about how to proceed.
The intrigue picks up quickly as the Mandalorian visits a kind of former Empire official who insisted on meeting face to face to exchange information, and to present the Mandalorian with his down payment for the job. This sets the Mandalorian off on his adventure to retrieve a very special target.
All in all, I really enjoyed sitting down with my son to watch this. We both loved it. I’ve seen it twice already in the last 48 hours.
4/5 Bounty pucks!
If you’ve been starving for some fresh Star Wars content that doesn’t feel like a rinse and repeat of the traditional formula, but still retains the charm and appeal of Han Solo and what would have been his world, then you’ll probably enjoy this. The twist/reveal at the end had us bouncing around the living room. If you’re a fan, go check it out!