This author’s favorite day is finally here! (I mean, this is the closest I’m getting to childbirth, right?) After a ton of work, and all kinds of snafus and the like, I’m delighted to announce that The Shadow’s Servant ebook is up for pre-order worldwide, and we have an official launch date of Sept 7th across all platforms!
Not only that, but I just sent the manuscript to the great Steve Barnes, the same narrator who did such an amazing job with The Magic Shop audiobook. He’s signed on to do The Shadow’s Servant as well, and I couldn’t be happier. He’s trying to get a little reading in before he starts production in September, as well.
Here are a couple quotes from two of The Shadow’s Servant’s Alpha Readers.
1) “It was super fun seeing Marcus survive so many challenges and try to uncover the truth that his family continued to hide over and over again. I found myself constantly trying to figure things out and being deceived by other character’s double-intentions.” —Wattpad Reader
2) “I haven’t read an actual book in a while and it reminded me of my love for reading. They really need to make a movie of this, as I read I could picture everything vividly.” —Amazon Reader

If you enjoyed The Magic Shop, I think The Shadow’s Servant will really blow you away.
If you know anyone that likes this kind of book, please spread the word. I need all of you fair readers to help this book see the kind of launch it deserves.
Happy reading!