That's Me ^^^ Justin

Writing fiction for your reading addiction...
My WorkNewsletter



Dear Reader,

Phew, you made it! You’ve scoured this mysterious thing that is the internet, and you’ve found my little nook in the universe…My Star Wars Cantina. While I might be on various forms of social media, it’s always good to have a central place where I can update everyone on what I’m working on. So, welcome to headquarters. 

I’m grateful for each of you that have reached out to me in some way or another over the years. Maybe you asked me a question about a book, or about the craft of writing, or maybe pointed out an error on my website (yes, that has happened – thank you), or perhaps you left a heartfelt review of one my stories. However we’ve come together, thanks for reading my books, and (hopefully) enjoying them. Either way, I feel your passion and enthusiasm, and am motivated by it. I appreciate your patience.

I have so many projects I want to work on… So many story ideas. My creative shadow follows me around, stalking, and pokes and prods me incessantly. I can’t shake him.  So, I keep writing. Sometimes faster than others, but I get there. There’s no feeling quite as exhilarating as getting a book into your hands, and having you love it.

Thanks for being part of my tribe—for sticking with me. I’m looking forward to learning from you.

Your fan, in kind,



Random Facts

  • Best cartoons and toys from my youth: Transformers and G.I. Joes
  • I can be found talking trash on Twitter on Jazz game nights.
  • Harry Potter, X-Files, Star Wars. In that order…I think
  • The next election can’t get here fast enough
  • Team Edward (if I was voting…I’m not)
  • Anthony Horowitz | Larry Correia
  • I can’t write to music with lyrics
  • The Lost Boys | Frog Brothers
  • I’m rockin a Mac and G933s
  • Dragon Naturally Speaking
  • My Team: The Utah Jazz 
  • Classic Batman comics
  • Within Temptation
  • Guarana
  • Monkies
  • eBooks
  • NBA2k
Justin was born with an active imagination on a U.S. naval base in Spain. He has four children; two boys, and two girls, and an enduring wife. He doesn’t have any pets that he’s aware of, but his children have been known to hide things under his bed.

My Writing

Publishing History


The TransitionThe Crimson Pact, Vol. 1.  Alliteration Ink

The Merging. The Crimson Pact, Vol. 2.  Alliteration Ink

Club PK2. The Crimson Pact, Vol. 5.  Iron Dragon Books

Final Exam. Short Sips: Coffee House Flash Fiction.  Wicked East Press

Cigars for Sawyer. The Memory Eater.  Hance LLC

The Magic Shop.  A Justin Swapp Novel

The Shadow’s Servant.  A Justin Swapp Novel

Work Experience

Professional Career

Bilingual (Spanish)

Inside / Outside Sales

B2B / Channel / Direct

Customer Service / Tech Support


Well traveled internationally (China/Japan/Spain/Brazil/Mexico/Argentina)


B.S. Business Marketing – University of Phoenix

M.B.A. University of Utah, David Eccles School of Business (International emphasis)

Contact Me

13 + 11 =

Places I’ve Been

Buenos Aires

Malaga, Spain

Huelva, Spain

Sevilla, Spain

Ceuta, Spain

Mysore, India

Bangalore, India

New Dehli, India

Granada, Spain





Windsor, England

Copenhagen, Denmark

Niagra Falls, Canada

Mexico City, Mexico

Cancun, Mexico


Where Should I Send Your Editing Checklist?

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